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Adventuremaps (2)

I'm wrestling with Google Translate to get something sane out of it. If someone with knowledge of Latin reads this, can that person PLEASE tell me if this actually MEANS something?

Fabularum circa eum sunt.
Reliquit ut salvaret genus humanum.
Fabularum circa eum sunt.
Fortis fuit. Volebat. Nihil prohiberet eum.
Fabularum circa eum sunt.
Delectamur! Eratque inspiration multis.
Fabularum circa eum sunt.
Missionem Eius erat magna et dura!
Sed omnia pericula vincere potuit!

By the way, this is the legend of the adventuremap I am currently making. In case you wondered how the title related to the message.


I'm making a few adventuremaps and some texturepacks and mods to go with them. (Nothing spectacular: just mods to change item names and stuff.)

I think I'll upload a few samples of it. I'm currently working on an adventuremap in which you start with "diamond" (wood sword, leather armor), later you'll get "obsidian" (stone sword, chain armor), then "corrupt" (iron), and finally "Rainbow" (diamond). You can also find Fury, the broken blade of Justice.

I might just make gold ingots "fury shards" and a stick the broken blade so you can make it whole. I'll see how it turns out.